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A Pilsen medical center that treats migrants is furloughing workers

“In our neighborhoods in particular, they handle a lot of folks who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford to be seen,” Jamie Groth Searle, Southwest Collective founder and Pilsen immigrant shelter volunteer said. “Not just people seeking asylum, but also undocumented people.”

Dozens of employees at Alivio Medical Center, a crucial healthcare provider for migrants and asylum seekers in Chicago's West Side, are getting their hours reduced from 40 to 32, resulting in a 20% pay cut. Many of the employees, including medical assistants, nurses, front-desk staff, and executives, make low wages and live in one-income households,

The furlough has led to concerns about reduced access to care for the most historically underserved populations, amid increased patient visits and financial struggles within the clinic.

Source: WBEZ Chicago | Click here for full story.